Reshaping Democracy and Public Space in Europe: What Place for Young Journalists and the New Media?


In the context of the European Year of Youth and the World Press Freedom Day (3rd of May), the EU Delegation to the Council of Europe and the Youth Department of the Council of Europe in cooperation with EUNIC Strasbourg will organise a local thematic conference bringing together young journalists and policy-makers in a dynamic dialogue over the place of the media, and notably of young journalists and emerging forms of journalism and media, in Europe’s democracies today.


The conference will raise awareness of the common priority of the EU and the Council of Europe to promote and protect press freedom, free access to information and the key role of the media in shoring up democracy. It will also give the opportunity to young journalists to express their views on how to further enhance youth presence and participation in democratic processes and public debate.


The event will take place on the 2nd of May, from 16:00 to 18:15, at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg. Aiming to attract 60 participants in the format of an interactive physical event, the conference will be mainly targeted at young journalists, media associations and the local youth, as well as policy-makers and the diplomatic community in Strasbourg.

European Youth Centre, 30 Rue Pierre de Coubertin, 67000 Strasbourg, France
How to join?

To attend the conference, please use the registration link.

Deadline for registration: Wednesday, 27th of April COB