New EU Ambassador to the Kingdom of Eswatini presents credentials


On 16 September 2021, Her Excellency Ms Dessislava Choumelova, the new EU Ambassador to the Kingdom of Eswatini, presented her credentials to His Majesty King Mswati III at Lozitha royal palace.

Ambassador Choumelova highlighted the enduring partnership between Eswatini and the EU.  European support, rooted in the shared values of democracy, the rule of law and human rights, has helped improve the lives of thousands of emaSwati over the last 50 years. Global challenges and the Covid-19 pandemic call on partners to cooperate even closer. Green and digital economic transformation, regional integration, decent job creation, education and human capital development are mutual priorities. Economic recovery must capitalize on the talent and resilience of all emaSwati, in particular women and youth.

The Ambassador recalled recent events in Eswatini and the tragic loss of life and damage to property. She conveyed her sympathy to all families which lost their loved ones during the unrest in June 2021. Ambassador Choumelova confirmed the EU stands ready to assist the government and the people of Eswatini as they chart their future. “I was particularly happy to hear Your Majesty recently mention dialogue as the cornerstone of the Kingdom’s political tradition,” she said.

The Speech:

Remarks on presenting letters of credence

HE Ms Dessislava Choumelova

Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union

Lozitha Royal Palace, 16 September 2021


I have the honour and privilege to present to Your Majesty, together with the Letters of Recall of my predecessor, the Letters by which the President of the European Council, Mr Charles Michel, and the President of the European Commission, Ms Ursula von der Leyen, request that I be accredited to the Kingdom of Eswatini as Ambassador of the European Union, resident in Mbabane.

For over 50 years now, the European Union and the Kingdom of Eswatini have enjoyed a strong partnership. In the mission entrusted to me, I shall endeavour that the people of Eswatini and those of the European Union greatly benefit from our partnership, a partnership with a bilateral, global and multilateral character, based on our shared values anchored in democracy, the rule of law and the respect for human rights.

Over the years, support funded by European citizens has helped improve the lives of thousands of emaSwati through access to clean and potable water, education, health, support to agriculture, infrastructure development, strengthening of governance, democracy and human rights, institutional capacity building, fostering business climate and new trade opportunities. The preferential access to the European Union market granted through the SADC-EU Economic Partnership Agreement is also a strong driver for growth and jobs.

We will continue to support Eswatini in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic as we have already done via the COVAX facility. European solidarity has played its part in allowing thousands of households to cope with the challenges brought about by the pandemic through agricultural interventions and humanitarian assistance in the form of food or cash-based transfers provided to the most vulnerable who are at risk of malnutrition.

In a rapidly changing and interconnected world, it will be my mission to build on our collaboration to tackle global challenges, exacerbated by COVID-19. As partners, we need to support each other to Build Back Better, to the benefit of all. Green and digital economic transformation, decent job creation and human capital development are our shared priorities. Economic recovery depends on the talent and resilience of all, particularly youth and women. To make growth sustainable, we will continue to support education, regional integration, the green economy, including sustainable agriculture, and small businesses. We will also continue to work with Eswatini in its capacity as a member of SADC and the African Union, especially on issues of peace and security.

One counts one’s friends in times of hardship. It is on this premise that I take note of the recent political events in Eswatini, which resulted in the tragic loss of life and damage to property. Our sincere sympathy goes to all the families who have lost their loved ones. The European Union stands ready to assist your Majesty and accompany the people of Eswatini as you chart the future of your beautiful country. We cannot overemphasise the importance of inclusive dialogue going forward. I was particularly happy to hear Your Majesty mention dialogue as the cornerstone of the Kingdom’s political tradition. Dialogue underpins the European Union motto of United in diversity: it signifies how Europeans have come together to work for peace and prosperity.

Your Majesty, it is with a true sense of honour and hope that I take up this new assignment. I shall spare no effort to enhance and further the cordial relations between the European Union and the Kingdom of Eswatini. I now vow my total commitment and dedication in pursuing this mission.
