Opening Remarks by the Ambassador Pawel Herczynski at Europe Day Celebration at Rustaveli Theatre

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Madam President,

Dear guests,

Every year, on Europe Day, we celebrate an amazing story of the European integration, a peaceful and prosperous union of 27 countries, each with different history and culture, but all bound by shared values and aspirations.

For the first time, Georgia celebrates this day as an EU candidate country. This is a truly momentous occasion in our shared European story.

Last year, when Georgia was granted the candidate status, I witnessed a truly moving national celebration. I saw people from all generations and walks of life full of hope for a peaceful, prosperous and secure future for them and their families.

I was proud to be part of this extraordinary moment and I sincerely congratulated not only all political leaders, but first and foremost the people of Georgia, for this historic achievement.

Today, just a few months after the European Union finally has widely opened its doors to Georgia, it is heart-breaking to see hesitation and second thoughts. To see confusion and divisions. To see violence and intimidation.

As President von der Leyen said, Georgia is at the crossroads. It should stay on the EU path.

Later this year, the European Union will decide whether Georgia will take the next step towards membership. For this, Georgia shall demonstrate a strong commitment to the EU values and deliver necessary reforms.This opportunity exists right now. You should not miss it. Please don’t miss it.

We are waiting for you. We want Georgia to succeed in securing its peaceful and economically stable future. We want you to become part of our Union because we respect the proud Georgian people, who are peace-loving, talented and have the core EU values at heart.

The European Union takes pride in its diversity and cherishes the unique history and culture of every member state. We want Georgia with its rich culture and traditions, to become a part of our European family.

As I look around the beautiful Rustaveli theatre, I see our partners, politicians, public servants, civil society and media representatives. I see musicians, poets, judges, doctors, teachers and students. I want to sincerely thank you for your contributions and your dedication to the prosperous and peaceful European future for your country.  

ძალა ერთობაშია! [strength lies in unity] We believe in you. Georgia CAN turn this page and continue its journey toward EU membership. There is still time!

Let me be very clear, next big EU enlargement will happen. It will happen with Georgia or it will happen without Georgia. This only depends on all of you, on all Georgians.

Stay on the EU path! We are by your side to assist you as much as we can.

Last but not least, let me close by extending very special gratitude to Maestro Nikoloz Rachveli, the Georgian Philharmonic Orchestra and invited artists for giving us the gift of music today. Please enjoy the incredible performance.

გილოცავთ ევროპის დღეს! [Happy Europe Day]