Speech by the Ambassador Pawel Herczynski at Europe Day Celebration organized by the President of Georgia

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Madam President,

Honourable Ambassadors, dear guests.  

Today we traditionally gathered here to celebrate Europe day.

Georgia for the first time ever celebrates this day, as a candidate country for the EU membership. Congratulations on this historic achievement!

On Europe Day we celebrate the success of 27 countries with different history and culture, based on common values.

We want Georgia, with its unique culture and traditions, to become part of this unity. This is exactly the will of the majority of Georgian population.

It is important that political leaders hear the voice of their people as clear (well) as this voice was heard in the EU last year.

A cherished goal, that generations have been striving towards relentlessly for years, has never been so close. Examples of their bravery and dedication at different times have been preserved by many cadres. Looking at them, how is it possible not to serve the same goal.

The sea may be rough at times, but "Georgia, your ship is headed for Europe![1]” Keep the course towards the EU. We are by your side on this path!

Happy Europe Day! წინ, საქართველო, წინ! [Go forward, Georgia, Go Forward]



[1] Quote from Besik Kharanauli’s untitled poem (publushed on 8 November, 2023), dedicated to receiving of EU Candidate Status by Georgia

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