The European Union and the Israeli Innovation Authority Mark Launch of a New Chapter in Research & Innovation Cooperation

The Delegation of the European Union to Israel and the Israel-Europe Research & Innovation Directorate (ISERD) of the Israeli Innovation Authority hosted on Monday 16 May, the official launch event of the Horizon Europe Programme in Israel, marking a new chapter in EU-Israel research cooperation. The informative event followed the December 2021 signing ceremony of the EU-Israel Association Agreement, which allowed Israeli organisations and researchers to participate in Horizon Europe, the European Union’s new R&I Programme with a budget of 95.5 billion euros – the largest R&D program of its kind in the world.

Israel and the EU have been working together on science and innovation since 1996, when Israel became associated to the EU Framework Programme for Research. Over 26 years of the cooperation, about 5,000 research contracts were signed as part of the cooperation, more than 6,000 participants, and about 1,000 SMEs for 2.5 billion euros in total of EU funding for research and innovation, to which Israel also was an outstanding financial contributor. Israel was very successful in terms of participation under the previous EU research program, ranking third among the associated counties.

The new Horizon Europe program will invest in areas that are of clear strategic importance to Europe and Israel alike, including green transition (which constitutes around 35% of the funding), for example green supply chain components, low-power electronics, and advanced computing systems. The programme will also support sustainability goals in health, education, manufacturing, energy, mobility, agriculture and food systems. It will be focus on transferring the developed knowledge and innovative solutions to real-life environments, where they can generate impacts and benefit citizens.

Benoit Chapas, Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation in Israel, said: “Behind the numbers, the true value of our cooperation is in terms of shared concerns and common goals. Taking advantage of Israel’s leading position in the disruptive and market creating innovation, we would like to multiply the benefits for the European innovation capacity and scale up investments and business links between our innovation entities and enterprises.”

Hundreds of Israeli and European scientists, researchers, universities, companies, R&I institutes, start-ups and VC representatives participated in Thursday’s launch event. They heard about the success stories of the Israeli-EU science cooperation so far, and learned about novelties and priorities for future cooperation. The event also facilitated matchmaking between European and Israeli organisations on green technology, health, and innovation.

Discussing the new program’s priorities, Signe Ratso, Deputy Director General for Research and Innovation, European Commission said: “Going Green is as pertinent as ever but now underlined by an overarching and urgent need to find alternative resources, especially to meet EU energy needs with hydrogen being key. Going digital is also more than valid but with a stronger emphasis on cybersecurity and cyber threats, e-government and critical infrastructure – all a prerequisite for greater EU and our partners’ resilience.”

Marc Attali, Coordinator of Israel-EU Economic Cooperation Programs at Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “The program makes a significant contribution to scientific and technological research, as well as to the economy, it promotes Israeli industry and at the same time opens up opportunities for Israeli companies in European markets. Furthermore, its outcomes as a growth engine for science and industry in Israel has an enormous impact on standard of living, medical services, food security, access to technology, and quality of life in general for millions of people in both Israel and Europe.”


For more information on Horizon Europe, click here.

For more information about ISERD, click here.