The 12th World Congress on Railway Research


On 28 October, Ambassador Flor opened the Shift2Rail stand at the 12th World Congress on Railway Research. A video message was delivered by European Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc. The event is taking place at the Tokyo International Forum from 28 October to 1 November 2019. WCRR is the only cross-thematic congress in the world dedicated to the subject of innovation in the railway sector, addressing everyone from railway companies to industry and research institutions. The objective of the Shift2Rail, a European public-private-partnership, is to deliver, through railway research and innovation, the capabilities to bring about the most sustainable, ecologically sound, cost-efficient, high-performing, time driven, digital and competitive customer-centred transport mode for Europe. More information on Shift2Rail:

SHIFT2RAIL group photo

sustainability conference group photo

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