Inspiring Equal and Inclusive Participation of Women in Political Decision-Making – Crossed Perspectives from Europe and Japan

The Delegation of the European Union to Japan is pleased to invite you to an online seminar “Inspiring Equal and Inclusive Participation of Women in Political Decision-Making – Crossed Perspectives from Europe and Japan”, on the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2024.

Gender equality and women’s empowerment is a key policy priority for the EU and women’s representation in political decision-making is an indispensable step to further implement it.

The event would look at the political participation at both national and local levels and allow for European and Japanese stakeholders to discuss common challenges, share experiences and best practices, and identify potential avenues of cooperation.

When: Tuesday, 5 March 2023, as on 16.30

Format: Online-zoom

Language: English / Japanese (simultaneous interpretation)

This event is organised in cooperation with JOICFP and UNIC.

organisers logos for IWD event


Confirmed speakers:

  • Mr. Masaharu Nakagawa, Member of the House of Representatives, Chairman of the Parliamentary League for the Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in Political Fields, Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan
  • Ms. Karen Makishima, Member of the Houser of Representatives, Secretary General, Project Team for the Implementation of the Basic Plan for the Fostering and Promotion of Female Council Members, Liberal Democratic Party
  • Ms. Krista Kiuru, Former Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services, Finland, Member of the Parliament of Finland, Chair of the Social Affairs and Health Committee
  • H.E. Mr. Antoine Evrard, Ambassador of Belgium to Japan
  • H.E. Dr. Clemens von Goetze, Ambassador of Germany to Japan
  • H.E. Mr. Jean-Eric Paquet, Ambassador of the European Union to Japan
  • Ms. Silvana Koch-Mehrin, President and Founder of Women Political Leaders (WPL), Former Vice President of the European Parliament
  • Ms. Taeko Koiso, Former Member of Chigasaki City Assembly, Former co-Representative of the Alliance of Feminist Representatives
  • Dr. Hiroko Akizuki, Prof. Asia University, Member, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
  • Dr. Mari Miura, Prof. Sophia University, Advisor of the Association to Promote Gender Quotas, Co-Representative of the Academy for Gender Parity
  • Ms. Mari Hamada, Representative, Stand by Women, Co-Representative, Harassment Consultation Centre for Women in Politics
  • Dr. Biljana Kotevska, Gender Equality Expert at the “EU for Rule of Law” project in North Macedonia/Co-author of the European Equality Law Network’s report on “Promotion of gender balance in political decision-making”


For more detail, please see the event programme below.



Please register by Friday 1 March cob, at the following link:

Registration will be closed when capacity is reached.


04:30 pm
Online event
How to join?

Please register by Friday 1 March cob, at the following link: