Amman Jazz Festival celebrates 11 years of musical diversity - 3-5 October 2023

Amman, Jordan – 04/10/2023 – The Amman Jazz Festival, a beacon of cultural fusion and musical excellence, started on 3 October at the National Orthodox School in Shmaisani.

The 11th edition of the Festival will offer us a new musical journey, bringing together world-class Jazz artists, both international and Jordanians, and combining a unique style ranging from soulful American Jazz to daring European avant-garde and rhythmic fusion.

Since its inception in 2012, the Festival has strived to bridge cultures, transcend boundaries, and celebrate the extraordinary power of Jazz music.

At the Festival's opening night, the EU Ambassador to Jordan, H.E. Pierre-Christophe CHATZISAVAS, said: more than other music genres, Jazz music is the product of cultural dialogue. Jazz travels, and there are as many types of Jazz as continents. As a land of culture and music, Jordan has a vibrant jazz scene. As we open this new edition of the Amman Jazz festival, we are pleased to see European artists joining Jordanian musicians on stage to demonstrate the strength and solidity of our dialogue”.

This year, the Festival will also be hosting the “Halaqat” Music Residency program in Petra, with six exceptional bands and musicians from Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, Austria, and Jordan.

The Amman Jazz Festival aspires to become the ultimate Jazz destination in the Middle East and earn its place on the international map of Jazz music festivals worldwide.

The European Union's support for cross-cultural cooperation and the celebration of diverse cultural expressions aligns perfectly with the festival's values, which emphasize inter-cultural dialogue and the convening power of jazz music.

The Festival is funded by European Union | EUNIC, in partnership with: Embassy of Austria | Embassy of Spain | Embassy of Italy | Embassy of the Netherlands | Goethe-Institut Jordan/Brussels | Instituto Cervantes |Societá Dante Alighieri. Strategic partners: Ministry of Culture | PDTRA; with the support of FondsPodiumkunsten | Halaqat.

Media partners: ROYA Music | Bliss | Mustaqel | Abrez Music.

For more information on the Festival’s line-up and concert: