IFH Successfully Concludes EU-Funded REAYAH Initiative, Achieving Significant Milestones in NCD Awareness in Jordan

The Institute for Family Health (IFH) marked the culmination of a two-year project under the REAYAH initiative, funded by the European Union (EU) through the Spanish Cooperation. The project focused on securing the rights of people with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) for Syrian Refugees and Jordanians in Mafraq, Ajloun, and Tafilah Governorates, empowering them to lead dignified lives through specialized community activities and services.

The project, a beacon of collaboration and commitment, achieved significant milestones, including the facilitation of 240 awareness sessions, six community health bazars, 48 awareness-raising events, nine community health initiatives, and the establishment of three outdoor senior fitness playgrounds. These initiatives have not only disseminated vital information about NCDs, but also empowered communities to take charge of their health proactively.

The closing ceremony, attended by representatives from the European Union, Spanish Cooperation, Ministry of Health, and IFH, echoed sentiments of satisfaction and gratitude.

"The European Union is committed to working with Jordanian and international partners to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and provide high-quality and equitable health care services to Jordanians and Syrian refugees alike. The IFH initiative to strengthen community awareness on non-communicable diseases is an important building block towards healthier lifestyles," stated the EU Ambassador to Jordan, H.E. Pierre-Christophe Chatzisavas.

Spain’s Ambassador to Jordan; Mr. Miguel de Lucas, highlighted the importance of shifting priorities and allocating resources targeting the risk factors behind the most common chronical and Non-Communicable Diseases in Jordan. Promoting behaviors among citizens towards healthier lifestyles is a shared responsibility from decision makers and relevant stakeholders in the health sector. The Spanish Cooperation is willing to keep supporting Jordan in these endeavors through intervention like the one that Institute for Family Health, in coordination with MoH, has successfully implemented.

Dr. Ibrahim Aqel, the Director of IFH, conveyed the institute's deep sense of pride in successfully embodying a national blueprint for advancing comprehensive and progressive healthcare for all family member through the EU-funded AECID collaboration. He emphasized, “This partnership played a pivotal role in establishing a distinctive model for developing the health sector, providing comprehensive and awareness-raising services to over 20,000 beneficiaries.”

As the project concludes, its impact remains embedded in the communities of Mafraq, Ajloun, and Tafilah, where enhanced awareness and empowered individuals pave the way for a healthier and more resilient future.