European Village in Chisinau


Every year on May 9 the European Union celebrates the historic 'Schuman declaration' of 1950 which set Europe on a path of peace & prosperity through political cooperation. Watch the video to learn the history of Europe Day in just 60 seconds.

The EEAS organises a range of events all around the world to celebrate the work the EU does to promote a fairer and more sustainable world on Europe Day.

On 9 May, from 11:30-22:00, you are invited to participate at the European Village in Chisinau.

 The programme of the event is available here.

8 MAY 2024
Location: Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt 105
Date Time Description

8 May

in the evening

Lighting of the building of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova in the style of the EU flag on the occasion of Europe Day 2024


Venue: Great National Assembly Square / Piața Marii Adunări Naționale





9 May


Moderator announces the agenda of Europe Day


Official opening of the European Village


Official speeches & media statements:


· H.E. Madam Maia SANDU, President of the Republic of Moldova;


· Mr Johannes HAHN, European Commissioner for Budget and Administration.

13:00 – 17:00

Interactive fair dedicated to European Village in Chișinău:


· “Team Europe” alley: EU member states will showcase their support for the Republic of Moldova, highlighting the assistance they provide. Following this, visitors to the European Village can enjoy a range of interactive activities – ruffles, quizzes, challenge games and many more – designed to engage and entertain, offering a deeper insight into European culture and values. Each EU Embassy will display its unique traditions and heritage, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of European diversity and unity.


· “EU-Moldova: Stronger Together” alley: EU-funded projects will showcase the diverse areas of assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova, illustrating how they directly benefit its citizens. Through interactive displays and informative presentations, visitors will gain insight into the tangible impacts of these initiatives on the daily lives of Moldovan citizens.


· “European Moldova”: pavilion of the Government and Parliament of the Republic of Moldova presenting interactive activities and information about the European course of the country.


· Create a memory on Europe Day 2024: photobooth space dedicated to all visitors for having their picture taken in various formats.


· Civil Society Organisations’ Fair: NGOs implementing EU funded projects will showcase results achieved and services provided in various regions of Moldova.


· Children’s Corner:interactive and educational activities for children of all ages during the entire day, including:


o   Facepainting;


o   Board games;


o   Drawing contests;


o   Puzzles’ assembly;


o   Sports activities;


o   Dance performances by children’s creative clubs in front of the main stage.


· Public Engagement Pavilion:

12:45 – 14:00

o   Launch of the EU-funded project “Enabling an Inclusive Green Transition in the Republic of Moldova”, implemented by UNDP Moldova.

14:15 – 15:00

o   “Census: A look at the population and Its characteristics on Europe Day” – the event will comprise open dialogue with the public, competition with prizes, interactive presentations: The census for everyone to understand.

15:15 – 16:15

o   Show with chemical experiments for children and presented by Medical Laboratory “Synevo”.

16:30 – 17:15

o   First aid course presented by Medical Laboratory “Synevo”.


· Golden age component: masterclasses on healthy lifestyle, music, dances for seniors and other thematic masterclasses;


· Food corners: a delectable array of culinary delights from across EU countries will showcase traditional cuisine and beverages.


· Concert during the day programme:


o   Lidia Isac, representing French culture;


o   “Hecenii” folk dance ensemble (Moldova);


o   Euroclub at ULIM, representing Moldovan culture;


o   Romanian violinist, representing Romanian culture;


o   Bulgarian folkloric band from Taraclia;

16:30 – 17:00

Concert featuring Ms. Tatiana Hajzušová, Slovak opera singer, accompanied by a Slovak pianist, offered by the Slovak Embassy to the Republic of Moldova

17:00 – 18:00

Tango concert at Palatul Republicii, offered by the Embassy of Romania to the Republic of Moldova

9 May

19:00 – 22:00

Concert dedicated to EUROPE DAY 2024: Europe is YOU!


Performing artists and bands:


· Ensemble of folk songs and dances “Fluieraș”, together with Adriana Ochișanu, Cornelia Ștefăneț and Nicolae Glib (Moldova)


· Cristofor Aldea Teodorovici (Moldova)


· Jānis Mažeiks, Ambassador of the European Union


· Lupii lui Calancea (Moldova)


· Kalush Orchestra (Ukraine)

11:30 am - 10:00 pm
Great National Assembly Square / Piața Marii Adunări Naționale, Chisinau