Call for proposals - Support to civil society organisations: Civil Society Facility 2023


Open until 27.05.2024.

Budget: € 2,500,000.00

Call ref: 180655


The global objective of this call for proposals is to strengthen the role of civil society in promoting transparent and participatory governance, democratic reforms and human rights.

This call for proposals is divided into four lots, each with its own specific objectives and priorities.

  • Lot 1: Support to CSOs and CSO networks towards increased abilities to monitor and actively participate in Montenegro’s reform processes.
  • Lot 2: Support to small Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and civil society movements in different sectors, developing grassroots movements’ and local informal groups’ capacities through flexible financial support to third parties mechanisms.
  • Lot 3: Support to different key stakeholders to contribute to local development in the North and central region of Montenegro
  • Lot 4: Support to different key stakeholders to contribute to local development in the South and central region of Montenegro


The EU Civil Society Facility (hereafter CSF), financed from the Instrument from Pre-Accession Assistance, was introduced in 2008, to support civil society financially and technically. It aimed at building stronger democracies, improving accountability systems and ultimately achieving better policy and economic and social development. Support under the CSF seeks to empower civil society to fulfil the following key roles:

•             Creating stronger links between citizens and public institutions, by engaging in public policy processes, reaching out to society as a whole (including marginalised groups and grass-root communities and encouraging civic activism as well as public participation in policy-making across all areas;

•             Becoming professional and reliable partners in the policy-making and reform process through evidence-based advocacy across all sectors and close monitoring of reforms;

•             Contributing to enhancing responsible and inclusive leadership in the political, economic, environmental and social spheres,

A strong civil society and solid freedom of expression are core dimensions of the political criteria for  EU accession. Various documents together provide the strategic focus for the EU assistance to civil society and media: in particular the DG NEAR Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Region, in turn building on the 2012 European Commission’s communication "The roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relations"; as well as Communications such as  the 2018 Strategy for the Western Balkans, the New Growth Plan, and the yearly Communications on Enlargement Policy. The current call for proposal is financed under the Civil Society Facility (CSF 2021-2023) in which the part specifically dedicated to Montenegro is EUR 7.5 Million.

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