Call for Nominations: EU Green Award in Nepal 2024


We are excited to launch the call for nominations for the EU Green Award in Nepal 2024!

Last year, Community Development & Advocacy Forum Nepal (CDAFN) won the first edition and received their award during the 9th of May celebrations, together with all finalists. The EU Ambassador went to visit their project and published it in our social media, where you can learn more about their winning project:

What is this award for?

The objective of the award is to acknowledge greening efforts of partners and to establish a peer-learning network. Moreover, the awarded institutions will benefit from wider visibility and high level visits from EU officials.

Deadline for submission of nominations

-      Tuesday 16/04/2024, 23h59

-      Nominations shall be submitted to the functional mailbox:

Eligible applicants

Legal entity (for example civil society organisation, development partner agency, Government office, company) based in Nepal and involved in an EU-funded project in the last 3 years. This legal entity may have been the main beneficiary/contractor, associated beneficiary/contractor, local partner etc. in an EU-funded project. Eligible institutions can nominate themselves or other institutions for this award. Individuals are not eligible.


  1. “Green culture inside my organisation” – this includes any initiative aiming to promote green practices inside the organisation, such as awareness raising among staff, designing green events with minimum environmental impact, greening the office (e.g. energy consumption reduction, waste reduction, transport concept and green mobility, procurement practise, paperless work), etc.
  2. “Green impact of my action” – this includes any initiative aiming to protect the environment or to reduce the impact of climate change in an action for other beneficiaries.

Applicants may submit one application under each category.


Nomination process

Nominations should include the following:

  • Institution name, legal status and EU-funded project reference
  • Specify category: “Green culture inside my organisation”; “Green impact of my action”
  • Description of the green initiative (ideally 1 page, maximum 2 pages + photos) including:

a) summary,

  • b) environmental impact achieved or estimated,
  • c) cost-effectiveness,
  • d) potential for replication and awareness raising


Award criteria and process

  • An internal jury will select three finalists per category, of which one will be selected as awardee in each category
  • The jury might approach nominees with some questions for clarifications
  • The EU Delegation will work with a contractor to produce a short video of each finalist’s initiative in mid-April.

All finalists and their videos will stage during the Europe Day reception in Kathmandu on 9 May 2024 where the awardees will be announced