Seminar with Women Survivors of Totalitarian Regimes in Wellington


The Polish Embassy in Wellington and the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand announce a seminar featuring Women Survivors of two totalitarian rules 'From Totalitarianism through Hope to a New Life in New Zealand: Women’s Perspectives'. The discussion panel, with the participation of four women - Vera Egermayer, Stefania Sondej, Susi Williams and Stefania Zawada - who survived the Holocaust and Siberia, will be moderated by Emeritus Professor Roberto Rabel of Victoria University of Wellington.

The seminar aims to highlight the history of European women, who – despite the painful and turbulent experiences of their childhood – managed to live a positive and meaningful life and bring contribution to a culturally diverse New Zealand society and act as a contemporary relevance for today’s audience. During the event, Ambassador of Poland will open an exhibition "Women of Independence" featuring some courageous Polish women that played significant roles in building the Polish nation and heritage at the time of greatest struggles.The events highlight the Centenary of Poland’s regained Independence and 100 years of women’s rights to vote in Poland as well as New Zealand Suffrage 125.Please reserve your seat by sending an email to: or by phone: (04) 4997844.

Corner Molesworth and Aitken Streets, Thorndon, Wellington