Tanzania receives a delegation of the Africa Working Group seating at the EU Council

From Wednesday, 08 June 2022 to Sunday, 12 June 2022, a delegation of 20 diplomats from EU Member States of the European Union visited Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. The diplomats are members of the Africa Working Group that seats at the Council of the European Union in Brussels, Belgium and are led by Ms Yamina Guerfi, chair of the Working Group.

During their visit, they have met with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, Hon. Ambassador Mbarouk Nassoro Mbarouk, where they held discussions of mutual interests regarding the EU-Tanzania partnership including on international affairs. While in Zanzibar, they have met the First Vice President, H.E. Othman Masoud Othman, and the Second Vice President, H.E. Hemed Suleiman Abdalla. 

Their meetings with members from the private sector, civil society and representatives from different political parties, enabled them to hold discussions around political developments, governance, human rights, trade and investment as well as socio-economic affairs. The discussions also provided the delegates and the interlocutors a chance to exchange on international matters such as climate change, gender equality, and peace and security.

"My colleagues and I are delighted to visit Tanzania. It is very important for us to have the opportunity of a direct contact with the different stakeholders of the political and economic life of this country. This helps us in getting a better understanding of the ongoing developments and of the issues that are important in the EU-Tanzania relations in order to guide our work in Brussels, and further enhance the partnership between Tanzania and the EU." Chairperson of the COAFR, Ms Yamina Guerfi:

"The visit of the Africa Working Group is part of the continuous dialogue and cooperation between the EU and Tanzania. This group is in particular responsible for political relations and their presence is one of the positive outcomes of the EU-Tanzania Political Dialogue meeting held on 29 October 2021. The EU is very keen to continue in this positive engagement with Tanzania." ~ EU Head of Delegation, Ambassador Manfredo Fanti:

During their visit in Zanzibar, the delegates will have a chance to visit an EU AGRI-CONNECT project that supports spice farmers in the Isles. The AGRI-CONNECT programme is implemented in both Tanzania Mainland and in Zanzibar to contribute to inclusive economic growth especially by supporting farmers in value addition, reduction of pre and post-harvest losses, and to gain access to local and international markets.