Women embrace leadership roles in central Tanzania


If you live in semi-arid central Tanzania there are many benefits of joining small community groups who have
been supported to generate incomes and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The EcoACT project, part of
the Global Climate Change Alliance funded by the European Union has done just that, training both women
and men to run small businesses and not only turn a profit but also contribute to forest conservation efforts.


The EcoACT project has trained both women and men to run small businesses and not only turn a profit but also contribute to forest conservation efforts by changing habits and raising awareness of the need to protect their environment better. Since the project began over eight years ago, a focus on women’s participation has featured strongly on the agenda.

The attachment below will give you more stories about Christina Elia Muigumila, member of the Kikombo Village Government and also Chairperson of the Village Bee-keeping Group, Dodoma City Council.

You will also find a story of Esther and Kenneth Manyono, from Chololo Eco-Village who were given a blended goat and a Mpwapwa bull from the EcoACT project eight years ago and the rest shall we say is history.


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