Ukraine: 500 patients transferred to European hospitals through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism

As of today, 500 patients from Ukraine in need of continued treatment or urgent medical assistance have been transferred to European hospitals through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism from Ukraine, Moldova and bordering countries.

The main destination countries have been so far Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania and Sweden.

Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety said: “More than 500 hundreds Ukrainian patients in need of treatment and care have been successfully transferred to hospitals within the EU, thanks to the EU solidarity mechanisms and the generosity of 13 Member States and EEA partners. This is true EU solidarity in action. The EU has mobilised an assistance effort of unprecedented scale and speed to support and protect Ukraine and its people. As I have assured the Ukrainian health Minister in our regular calls, Ukraine can continue counting on the EU's unabated support."

Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management said: “As hospitals in Ukraine and neighbouring countries are increasingly under pressure, we need to organise specialised treatment for both chronically ill patients and people wounded in the war. The EU is working 24/7 to coordinate medical evacuations of Ukrainian patients via its Civil Protection Mechanism. Today, as we hit the milestone of 500 Ukrainian patients transferred to hospitals across Europe, I want to thank all the countries who have made beds available to make sure these patients receive the care they so urgently need. Yet again, the EU showcases its support to the most vulnerable. Together, we are saving lives.”

The transfer scheme supports the transfer of patients that fulfil the eligibility criteria, be they civilians or military personnel.

The mechanism enables the Commission to report to the Ukrainian authorities where in the EU/EEA countries the patients have been transferred. For a secure transfer of patient data, the patients’ health records are shared using the Early Warning and Response System (EWRS).