EU Statement – UN High Level Political Forum: Belarus Voluntary National Review

12 July 2022, New York – European Union Statement by H.E. Eamon Gilmore, EU Special Representative for Human Rights, at the United Nations High Level Political Forum on the Belarus Voluntary National Review

Madam Chair,


We thank Gambia and Eswatini for their comprehensive presentations.

We commend them for the impressive processes put in place to prepare Voluntary National Reviews, and we would be interested to hear more from them about the measures taken to ensure the open consultation of civil society in this regard. 

At the same time, we must express our concerns regarding the attempt by Belarus to politicize this platform in order to spread misinformation about the situation in the country.

The 2030 Agenda is grounded in international huma\n rights documents and it emphasises the responsibility of all States to respect, protect and fulfil human rights.

Yet, since the fraudulent elections of August 2020, Lukashenko’s regime has been responsible for systematic and widespread human rights violations and repression against its own people.

The regime’s senseless violence is pushing the country further away from realising the SDGs.

While the 2030 Agenda calls for a renewed partnership between governments, civil society, and the private sector, the Belarussian regime has been leading attacks against civil society, human rights defenders, and independent media. Hundreds of civil society organisations have been liquidated and there are more than 1200 political prisoners detained in inhumane conditions.

We are shocked by the reported use of torture and other ill-treatment against detainees, including women and minors, and by the reported arbitrary executions of persons in custody. This is a major attack on SDG 5 and 16.

Regarding SDG4, we condemn the restrictive measures put in place towards persons belonging to national minorities and their organisations, including the suspension of education in minority languages.

We are also deeply concerned about increasing legislative restrictions of the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, and association. These restrictions are having dramatic consequences across all SDGs.

While the 2030 Agenda seeks to strengthen universal peace, we condemn the involvement of Belarus in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, as well as its repression of persons speaking out against the war.

We continue to urge Belarus to respect the SDGs, to fully uphold its obligations under international law and to create a safe environment in which everybody is able to equally and fully enjoy development opportunities and their human rights.

Thank you.