New Year Greetings from the EU Ambassador


For the New 2024, we look forward to more cooperation on many fronts.

Charlotte Adriaen, EU Ambassador to Uzbekistan

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Yevropa Ittifoqining Oʻzbekistondagi doʻstlari,

Xonimlar va Janoblar!

2023 saw both the European Union and Uzbekistan make great strides in many areas of our relations,  particularly on climate change, green transition, sustainable connectivity, parliamentary relations and much more. Both the European Union and Uzbekistan have demonstrated strong desire to foster reliable and predictable partnership and we are committed to working with each other for the long term.

For the New 2024, we look forward to more cooperation on many fronts. We will be celebrating the 30 years anniversary of the EU – Uzbekistan relations. We are also looking forward to the first ever EU – Central Asia Summit to take place in Uzbekistan. 

During the last years we were witnessing the solid commitment to reforms in Uzbekistan, and  the EU remains the strong supporter of this path.  We also witnessed the dynamism of Uzbekistan in its foreign relations. Samarkand has truly became the epicentre of the world politics coupled with the spirit of multifaceted cooperation and peace-making.  Like it was in the ancient world along the Silk Road, linking the civilisations of Europe and Asia. The people of Uzbekistan do have much ground of being proud of their country!  

It is with much optimism for our ever-closer relations that I wish you and your families a happy, wealthy and healthy New Year 2024!

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