EU Statement at IAEA BoG on the Agency safeguards in the context of naval nuclear propulsion under AUKUS


I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union. The following countries align themselves with this statement: North Macedonia*, Montenegro*, Albania*, Ukraine*, the Republic of Moldova*, Bosnia and Herzegovina*, Georgia, Iceland+ and Norway+.

The EU highly appreciates the technical, impartial and professional work of the IAEA Secretariat on this and other matters and thanks the IAEA Director General for his update.

The EU position on the context of Australia’s acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines under AUKUS is well known and in the interest of time, I will limit my intervention to the following points:

- We stress the importance of allowing the Secretariat to carry out its responsibilities on procedural matters without undue pressure.

- We strongly encourage all parties to continue the path of close cooperation and a high level of transparency with both the IAEA and IAEA Member States.

- The EU is of the view that the objectives of the international nuclear non-proliferation regime are best served by the IAEA through the full, impartial, independent and objective implementation of safeguards. It is important that full consideration be given to any proliferation implications and risks. In line with its statutory non-proliferation mandate and with its expertise, the IAEA is the legitimate organisation and has the capacity to conduct this task.

As stated several times, the IAEA Director General will continue to report to the Board as appropriate and in a timely manner. Therefore, we do not consider it necessary to establish parallel structures such as the proposal by one country on an intergovernmental process. Nor do we consider it necessary to have a standing item on AUKUS on the Board agenda.

Thank you, Chair.


* Candidate Countries North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, as well as potential Candidate Country Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.

+ Iceland and Norway are members of the EFTA and of the European Economic Area.