5th European Union – Iran High Level Dialogue


The EU and Iran have held – in virtual format - the fifth meeting of the High Level political dialogue on 9 December. This meeting is part of the regular exchanges between the European Union and Iran. The High Level dialogue was led by the European External Action Service and the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and featured representatives of other departments in the Iranian administration and services from the European Commission.

The agenda included discussions on bilateral issues, ranging from trade, economic relations, energy, environment, climate change, migration, education, culture, research as well as cooperation on the COVID-19 response. The EEAS also touched upon the importance of human rights and conveyed the intention to hold a human rights dialogue as soon as the situation will allow physical meetings.

The High Level Dialogue meeting endorsed the EU-Iran Migration Dialogue to provide a framework for future discussions and cooperation on this priority topic.

A separate part of the discussion was dedicated to EU – Iran civil nuclear cooperation activities in line with Annex III of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the implementation of which the EU continues to actively support.

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53