'Afghan Women Days' this week


On 1-2 February, the European Parliament is hosting a series of events to cast light on the worrying situation for women in Afghanistan following the Taliban’s return to power last year. EP President Roberta Metsola will open the two-day live event which will feature prominent Afghan Sakharov Prize women finalists, high-level speakers such as UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie, UN Deputy Secretary General, Amina Mohammed, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (TBC), Commissioner Janez Lenarčič, and EEAS' Ambassador for Gender and Diversity, Stella Ronner-Grubacic, among others.

Image Editorial credit: PradeepGaurs / Shutterstock.com

'Afghan Women Days' will kick off with a high-level conference which will gather MEPs, prominent Afghan women who were finalists for Parliament’s 2021 Sakharov Prize, EU and UN representatives as well as representatives of other international organisations.

As from 1 February at 13:45-15:00 (CET), you can follow the two-day live event that will be opened by EP President Roberta Metsola here.

The event will hold several workshops and exchanges that can be also followed live on the European Parliament multimedia platform.

In an effort to maintain the Afghan women's situation high on the EU and international agenda, the events will focus on the dire situation of women and girls in Afghanistan after last August Taliban takeover and the regression in their rights and status within the Afghan society.

The Afghan Women Days will tackle different angles, including the current humanitarian crisis and the Taliban repressive rule and the challenges of going into exile and building a new life away from homeland.

See the full programme here.

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