African Union Election Observation Mission Liberia briefs 20 EU long-term observers


Shortly before deploying 20 EU Election observers election experts of our partner organisation, the African Union, have shared latest findings with the EU Election Observation Mission to Liberia.

On Sunday 10th of September a group of 20 EU long-term observers arroved in Monrovia, Liberia. The teams will observe the preparations, campaigns and prosseses in advance of election day. The women and men from 20 different EU countries will be deplyoed all over Liberia to cover all 15 counties in Liberia.


First days in an EU Election Observation Mission are briefing days - intensive briefing days. The African Union Election Mission in Liberia has supported with sharing information of their findings. Guest speakers were elaborating on current developments regarding the election preparations in Liberia. On 10th of October Presidential and House of Parliament elections will be held.


On Thursday 14th of September the long-term EU Election observers will be deployed to the different regions in Liberia. Ten teams consisting of 2 election observers each will follow up all election related issues in advance of election day in October.

34 EU short-term observers will be complete the mission on a later stage close to election day. An EU core-team with analysts and experts has arrived in Liberia beginning of September and launched the EU Election Observation Mission to Liberia.