Alternative Forms of Syrian Women's Political Participation at the Local Level


Organiser: Equity and Empowerment organization

This side event will have 4 objectives:

  1. Launching research titled “Alternative Forms of Syrian Women's Political Participation at the Local Level”:
  • Provide an overview of the research and discuss the alternative forms that were found during the data collection period.
  • Highlight the experiences of the research team and the challenges in the four defacto authorities’ areas.
  1. Highlighting the participation of Syrian women in Politics:
  • Raising the awareness of participants about the significant societal changes brought about by the Syrian uprising and subsequent conflict, particularly focusing on the impact on the social structure and the role of women in reclaiming political space.
  • Provide a platform for Syrian women to share their experiences, challenges, and successes in participating in political processes during and after the conflict, aiming to empower them to continue advocating for their rights and meaningful inclusion in decision-making spheres.
  1. Explore the alternative roles that Syrian women decided to play than politics.
  • Explain the different role that Syrian woman played in the various defacto authorities-controlled areas, the challenges and the success stories.
  • Develop a mapping of the peace building initiatives led by women in Syria.
  1. Enhance the cross- geography Relations among the Syrian Civil Society actors.
  • Create a platform for sharing best practices, lessons learned, and innovative approaches among Syrian civil society actors, aiming to enhance their effectiveness and resilience in addressing common challenges and advancing shared goals.
  • Foster connections and partnerships among Syrian civil society actors from different geographic regions.
05:00 pm - 07:00 pm
Press Club Brussels Europe