Ambassador Alexandra Valkenburg's statement at IFAD’s 44th Governing Council


EU Ambassador Alexandra Valkenburg issued a video statement at IFAD’s 44th Governing Council


EU Ambassador Alexandra Valkenburg, issued a video statement to IFAD’s 44th Governing Council.

She congratulated IFAD President Houngbo, his staff and IFAD Governors for the excellent outcome of IFAD’s 12th replenishment package. It will create a promising path for IFAD. Through its increased financial firepower IFAD can support bold and promising investments, to the benefit of smallholder and family farmers, farmers’ organisations and agri-preneurs. The EU considers IFAD its prime partner for promoting agricultural investments. Also, this year’s UN Food Systems Summit gives opportunities to raise global awareness and trigger game-changing initiatives. This requires IFAD’s full and sustained engagement, now and after the Summit, which should be just the kick-off of a long-term transformative endeavour.