Belgrade - Pristina Dialogue: Remarks by the EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajčák after the second high-level meeting


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Today, we held the second high-level meeting of the EU-facilitated Dialogue after resumption, in person, in Brussels

I thank both parties for coming to Brussels and for their engagement today.

Today’s discussions focused on two elements:

The first element discussed was missing persons and displaced persons.

On the first one, this is a very symbolic issue in the context of reconciliation, and it is a very real issue for the families who live with uncertainty for decades.

It is key to work with the ICRC to solve the remaining cases and bring closure to the file.

As for the second topic, this is an important issue as well... and it is also about ensuring sustainable living conditions for those who already returned.

The second issue discussed was economic cooperation. It is one of the backbones of the European Union. Intensified economic cooperation means making use of the full economic potential of Kosovo and Serbia, and it means creating jobs and improving living standards for the people.

I am glad that after today’s initial exchange of positions, both leaders agreed to continue to work intensively at expert level already next week.

And it was agreed that the next high-level meeting will take place in Brussels in early September.


Link to the video:!gN83bX

Nabila Massrali
Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0) 2 29 88093
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