Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue: Statement by the Spokesperson on the latest decision related to license plates

29.10.2022 EEAS Press Team

The EU has taken note of the Kosovo government’s most recent decision related to licence plates. 

Kosovo has the right to phase out the KM plates, but the process needs take place in manner agreed in the Dialogue and implemented in an inclusive and consultative fashion.

While the decision is a step in the right direction, it is not aligned with Dialogue Agreements, which are binding for both Parties. 

The relevant Agreement from 2016 foresaw a clearly sequenced and defined process with a 12-month timeframe for the phasing-out process, which has not been followed. Kosovo should allow for a longer transition period. This has been the consistent advice of Kosovo’s closest partners, including the EU and the US. It is disappointing to see it has not been followed. 

It is imperative to maintain calm. We call on all involved stakeholders to exercise restraint and avoid any actions or rhetoric that could jeopardise the stability on the ground, particularly in the north of Kosovo.

The EU will continue, together with its partners, to engage with both Kosovo and Serbia. We expect the Parties to engage constructively and in good faith to find a solution with no further delay, in full compliance with the Dialogue Agreements.

Nabila Massrali
Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0) 2 29 88093
+32 (0) 460 79 52 44
Zoi Muletier
Press Officer for Neighbourhood and Enlargement/Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)2 29-94306
+32 (0)460794306