Civilian and Military Preparedness: Press remarks by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell before his meeting with former Finish President Sauli Niinistö

EEAS Press Team

I am very glad to welcome you, former President of Finland [Sauli Niinistö].

We had been discussing in Helsinki years ago, but now you are here at the [European] External Action Service, in order to start your work – our work – on this Civilian and Military Preparedness in the context of Strategic Crises and Management.

The European Council Conclusions last March underlined the importance to enhance and coordinate Military and Civilian Preparedness and invited the [European] Commission and myself, as High Representative, to propose actions to strengthen Preparedness and Crisis Response.

We talk about the military, but security is not just a matter of defence. It is not just a matter of the armies. Military, defence is something that matters to the whole society and your approach – the approach that Finland has been developing – is very important.

Now, we will start agreeing the main lines of your work. I think that in every way, the [European] External Action Service is fully aware that we are facing more complex and multidimensional crises and that we have to enhance our preparedness – both civilian and military.

Once again, Mr President, you are an expert in that. You have been President of Finland, a country that is well known for its model of preparedness and a comprehensive approach to security.

So, we are very glad to work with you. All my team will be at your disposal.

I think it is a very broad problem, we have to focus on concrete things. But once again, thank you for cooperating with us.

Link to the video (starting from 00:17):

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53
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