Criminal investigations in Niger: civilian CSDP trains trainers


EUCAP Sahel Niger provided recently an intensive 2-weeks pedagogical training to 18 Nigeriens who will serve as future trainers in criminal investigation and analysis as well as anti-arms and drugs trafficking.

The "training of trainers" is an integral part of the Mission’s coaching and mentoring activities ("suivi et accompagnement" in French) to ensure sustainability and to strengthen the responsibility and ownership of the Nigerien authorities. “In addition to thematic knowledge transfer, we train participants to improve their didactical skills. We therefore put an emphasis on practical and realistic exercises”, explains Gilles BRAUN, EUCAP’s expert in charge of training.

The build-up of the Nigerien Technical and Scientific Police has been one of EUCAP Sahel Niger's focuses since the Mission started its deployment in summer 2012. Today, the Nigerien forensics police have acquired considerable autonomy and Niger can be considered a regional centre of excellence in this area and in the context of the neighbouring G5 countries.

Read the full story (in French language) here.

police station