Cuba: Statement on behalf of High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell at the EP debate on the critical situation in the country

Strasbourg, France
EEAS Press Team

Speech delivered by Commissioner for International Partnership, Jutta Urpilainen, on behalf of High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell.

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President, Honorable Members, 

I would like to thank you for your interest in debating on the situation in Cuba, also on behalf of the HRVP [Josep] Borrell. 

EU-Cuba relations are based on the Political and Cooperation Agreement approved by this Parliament and agreed with EU Member States. Our relations are based on a critical but constructive approach. 

In the current context, of the crisis in Cuba and global geopolitical instability, the objectives of our Agreement remain absolutely relevant: to strengthen our bilateral relations, to encourage reforms and accompany the process of economic and social modernisation of the island, and to promote our values, and to safeguard our interests.  

As our Joint Council showed, the Agreement provides the space to have open and frank discussions at the highest level, to identify the areas of our shared interest and try to overcome our differences. Our approach with Cuba is the same as with many other countries, based on EU’s values and interests. 

With the occasion of the EU-Cuba Joint Council, HRVP and the Special Representative for Human Rights [Eamon] Gilmore met with the Cuban authorities, as well as with critical voices of the Cuban society, and families of detainees who shared their worries and hopes.  

The EU reiterates its concerns about the human rights situation in Cuba. We conveyed this message to the Cuban authorities and expect concrete results.  

At the same time, the economic and social situation in Cuba continues to deteriorate. We shared with the Cuban authorities the urgent need to undertake bold reforms. We stand ready to support these reforms through our cooperation, including Global Gateway, to help improving the living conditions of Cuban citizens. 

We are supporting the Cuban emerging private sector. Since 2021, more than 10,000 small and medium-sized companies have been created. This entrepreneurship is necessary for economic growth. An important step, towards more ambitious reforms.  

Other factors have aggravated the situation in the Country. These include the US embargo and inclusion of the country on the list of state sponsors of terrorism. The EU rejects these measures, as we expressed, once again, on 2 November 2023 at the UN.  

There are many other objectives that EU and Cuba defend at international level, starting by the need to reinforce the multilateral system and to promote the strategic partnership between the EU and CELAC.  

Clearly, EU-Cuba relations must also framed in the current geopolitical context. Regarding the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the EU spares no opportunity to state its position: Russia is undoubtedly the aggressor, Ukraine is the victim. Despite its own analysis and historical closeness to Moscow, Cuba has already abstained in 4 different votes at the UN, on Russia’s war against Ukraine. We certainly expect more.  

And we will continue conveying our message to Cuba, in future exchanges in the framework of our Agreement.  

Link to the video (starting at 00:34):  


Closing remarks  

President, Honourable Members,  

Thank you for this – I would say - enriching discussion, where we have heard very differing, even opposing views. And I have to say that we take note of your various positions and also concerns. 

Allow me to reiterate that, in the current context of a dire economic and social crisis in Cuba, and amid the global geopolitical instability, the EU’s constructive but critical engagement with Cuba remains the best option to promote our values and to achieve our objectives.  

Under the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement, and based on the EU’s values, we have the opportunity and must continue to deepen our open and frank discussions with Cuba, to address human rights issues, support economic, social and political reforms, closer cooperation on global issues, and better prospects for all.  

So, I thank you for this very interesting discussion. 

Link to the video:  

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53
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