Cuba: Visit of EU Special Representative for Human Rights and 4th EU-Cuba Human Rights Dialogue

EEAS Press Team

EU Special Representative for Human Rights (EUSR), Eamon Gilmore, visited Cuba on 23-24 November, to co-chair the fourth Human Rights Dialogue under the EU-Cuba Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement (PDCA). EUSR Gilmore’s visit was agreed in May during the visit of High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell in Havana. It forms part of the EU’s wider policy of constructive but critical engagement towards Cuba.

In addition to the formal Dialogue, EUSR Gilmore held a range of other meetings, including with the Cuban authorities (President Miguel Díaz-Canel, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodríguez; Minister of Justice Oscar Manuel Silvera; Attorney General Yamila Peña; Vice Minister of Interior Jesús Manuel Burón; and deputies from the National Assembly). These discussions, as well as those with non-governmental voices, allowed him to gather different perspectives on the reality of life, economic hardships and human rights in Cuba.

The EU’s regular Human Rights Dialogue with Cuba provides a structured framework to discuss the situation of human rights on both sides, and to raise specific concerns. It also serves to explore possible cooperation in bilateral and multilateral fora on those shared and global challenges where there is convergence, such as on the rights of the child, women’s rights and the rights of LGBTI+ persons.

EUSR Eamon Gilmore commented: “the protection of human rights is enshrined in the EU treaties and the promotion of human rights is a core part of the EU’s external policy. In order to advance human rights anywhere, it is vital to engage with the widest possible range of interlocutors with the broadest range of views. Every country can improve when it comes to human rights and fundamental freedoms and it is in a constructive spirit that we are determined to continue our honest, forthright, respectful two-way dialogue with Cuba on these matters”.

At this year’s Human Rights Dialogue, the two sides discussed civil and political rights, including freedom of opinion, expression, assembly, association and access to information. The EU side reiterated its call to the Cuban Government to ensure that the constitutional rights of citizens in these areas are fully realised. The EU side recalled its concerns about the detentions and long prison sentences handed out in connection with the demonstrations of 11-12 July 2021. It called for further efforts to improve transparency and due process, including allowing diplomats to observe trials.

EUSR Gilmore reiterated the EU’s calls on the Cuban authorities to release those detained for the expression of their ideas and opinions and encouraged the authorities to engage in a meaningful and inclusive dialogue with the Cuban people. During the visit, EUSR Eamon Gilmore met with relatives of some detainees.

The EU also emphasised the importance of further steps to foster a safe and enabling environment, both online and offline, where civil society can operate, free from hindrance and insecurity, The EU side also underlined the key role of civil society actors in the conception, design and implementation of public polices, and the importance of fostering transparency and exchanges of information and ideas. Discussions also covered freedom of religion or belief.

As regards economic, social and cultural rights as the path towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), EUSR Gilmore recalled the EU’s readiness to continue working closely with Cuba, in the framework of the PDCA and via its multi-annual cooperation programme, in order to support the necessary economic, social and political reforms. He recalled that the EU has consistently supported calls to end the economic, commercial and financial embargo and other restrictive measures of extraterritorial nature against Cuba.

This position has been expressed in a unanimous vote of EU Member States in favour of the annual UN General Assembly resolution calling for the end of such measures, most recently on 2 November 2023. In this regard, the EUSR also noted that the re-designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism on 12 January 2021 has introduced additional obstacles to international financial transactions with the island. The EU encouraged Cuba to pursue economic reforms. EUSR Gilmore expressed concern about the economic hardship endured by Cuban people.

A further topic discussed focused on the promotion of gender equality, women empowerment and sexual and reproductive rights, which lies at the heart of the EU’s policy, diplomacy and programmatic agenda. Exchanges focused on advances achieved in this area through the new Family Code and on the work of relevant Cuban institutions, including the Gender Equality Observatory.

Finally, the parties explored opportunities for closer cooperation in multilateral human rights fora, such as at UNGA Third Committee. The EU stressed the importance of safeguarding the independence of the OHCHR and UN Special Procedures. The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss the recent Universal Periodic Review (UPR) that took place at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on 15 November. The EUSR welcomed Cuba’s engagement in this exercise, which is intended to offer countries the opportunity to share both progress and challenges related to human rights. He invited Cuba to look constructively at the various recommendations submitted in the course of the UPR as a useful input for further improvement.

The Cuba-EU agreed actions on cooperation in the field of human rights are annexed to this press release.



This cooperation will be developed based on the principles, modalities and procedures set out in the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and Cuba.

The following 4 initial results were agreed:

  1. To discuss and adopt, during the first quarter of 2024, a schedule of technical exchanges in various areas of human rights, which could include those related to the best practices on legislation, the advancement of women, sexual and reproductive rights, rights of the child, rights of persons with disabilities, among others.
  2. To jointly discuss potential cooperation projects in various areas of human rights, including food, housing, health care, energy, culture, environment, climate change, citizen's participation, attention to persons or groups in vulnerable situations and the accepted UPR recommendations, among others.
  3. To initiate the implementation of the collaboration project “Strengthening of the Defensoría for the Integral Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents”.
  4. To continue promoting cooperation in areas such as the digitalization of civil registries, notary offices and Official Gazette.


Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53
Daniel Puglisi
Press Officer for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management/Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
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