Entrepreneurship by Yemenis, for Yemen


As part of its #TalkAboutYemen campaign, the EU is launching online public debates with Yemeni diaspora in Europe, on how to improve the economy, governance and accountability. It will feature Yemenis from different backgrounds, telling their stories of resilience, achievement and hopes for the future. The first one of these debates will be on Yemeni entrepreneurship, on 14 June at 3PM CET. The Yemeni diaspora is a key source of remittances and contributes to finding innovative ways to cope with the current economic hardships as well as laying the groundwork of long-term economic recovery.

Interpretation will be available in English, French, German and Arabic! You can register here: https://efc.ibf.be/efficy.dll/guest?app=other&page=registration.htm&ref=%7b37379C87-D696-423C-A8FE-03B8D7F3A22B%7d

03:00 pm - 04:30 pm
Online event
How to join?

The event will be on Zoom.