EP plenary: EU-Azerbaijan relations


Speech delivered by Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Oliver Várhelyi, on behalf of High-Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell    

Check against delivery! 

Dear President, Honourable Members [of the European Parliament],  

Today’s debate is a timely opportunity to discuss our relations with Azerbaijan. 

 Azerbaijan is an important partner for the EU. Therefore, we have an interest in continuing our good cooperation, particularly when it comes to energy, cooperation on reforms, trade and investments. Negotiations on a new comprehensive EU-Azerbaijan agreement are ongoing. We remain committed to continuing the negotiations with a view to finalising them soon. 

As you note in your report, the human rights situation and the respect of rule of law in Azerbaijan remain of concern. These are at the core of our relationship, as jointly agreed in the EU-Azerbaijan Partnership Priorities. We firmly believe that the rule of law, human rights and democratic institutions are the fundamentals of an independent, stable and prosperous country, and a condition for a constructive business environment.

We welcome Azerbaijan's signature of the European Convention on Human Rights’ protocol banning the death penalty in all circumstances. 

We are closely following the implementation of the media law and the adoption of the new law on political parties. Through our EU Delegation in Baku, we are closely following individual cases of human rights defenders.  

Our cooperation with Azerbaijan in the energy sector has intensified. A Memorandum of Understanding on a Strategic Partnership in the Field of Energy was signed in July last year in Baku. As you also acknowledge in the report, this cooperation is more important than ever for ensuring diversification of Europe’s energy supplies, bringing new, reliable sources of energy to Europe. 

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has forced us to develop and diversify trade routes and transport connections between Europe and Asia. I agree that also our cooperation with Azerbaijan in the area of connectivity is strategically important.  

In this context, we welcome the important assistance Azerbaijan has been providing to Ukraine. 

Connectivity and energy are key elements of the Economic and Investment Plan, which aims to mobilise up to €2 billion of public and private investments in Azerbaijan. 

The EU is, above all, driven by the common goal to contribute to a stable, peaceful and prosperous South Caucasus.

 We stand ready to continue supporting Azerbaijan, whether through facilitation of the peace process, or through the continued provision of humanitarian and demining assistance.  

The EU deployed its Mission in Armenia (EUMA) in order to reduce tensions and support the peace process. This is an important step to reinforce stability and strengthen the EU’s role in the region.  

We continue to fully support the facilitation of the dialogue between the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia on all issues pertaining to the peace process, including on a future peace treaty and border delimitation, through the efforts of the President of the European Council [Charles Michel]. 

We encourage the leaders of both countries to use the historic opportunity to solve this conflict for good, and to return to the substantial dialogue. Many important questions need addressing urgently.

As we saw again on 6 March, the situation on the Karabakh Line of Contact continues to be very tense. We deplore the incidents that led to at least five deaths. The circumstances surrounding this deadly incident need to be fully investigated. All parties should show restraint in order to prevent any actions, which could further undermine the regional stability and threaten the peace process. 

We will continue to be fully mobilised.  

Thank you very much.

Link to the video (starting from 3:31): https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-238109 


Closing remarks 

Dear President, Honourable Members, 

The debate today manifests your continued interest in the EU-Azerbaijan relations. 

I want to stress an important message out of this debate  that the EU will continue to follow closely the human rights situation in Azerbaijan and the respect for the rule of law. I can assure you that our intensified energy cooperation with Azerbaijan does not side-line our continuous efforts to advocate for human rights and rule of law in our dialogue with Azerbaijan, and we will continue to do so.   

We will continue to engage with our Azerbaijani counterparts to advance discussions on all issues pertaining to the peace process.  

Thank you. 

Link to the video: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-238111  

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53