EP Plenary: Turkish airstrikes on northern Syria and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq


Speech delivered by Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, on behalf of High-Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell 

Check against delivery! 

Thank you President, Honourable Members [of the European Parliament].  

The latest escalation of violence in Türkiye, Syria and Iraq is, of course, of grave concern. It is so for several reasons. 

First, for the loss of civilian life.  

Second, because the violence we have seen threatens the already volatile security situation of the entire region.  

And thirdly, it puts the gains made in the fight against the Islamic State in jeopardy. This is all the more concerning against the backdrop of Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine. 

 Türkiye is a key partner of the European Union and a critically important actor in the region and the Syrian crisis, in particular. The European Union calls for restraint and for urgent de-escalation. Türkiye needs to act in a responsible manner and contribute to regional stability and security.  

Türkiye has the right to respond to the horrible incident of 13 November in Istanbul. However, Türkiye’s security concerns stemming from North-East Syria should be addressed through political and diplomatic means, not by military action, and in full respect of international humanitarian law. 

President [of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip] Erdoğan’s recurring language suggests an upcoming incursion into Northern Syria. The European Union has repeatedly stressed our concern over any such operation with our Turkish interlocutors. And we continue to raise these concerns and to stress the need to avoid further escalation.  

Let me make three points: a ground incursion into Syria would further undermine the fight against Daesh; would lead to unacceptable human suffering; and would have grave implications for international security.  

The weakening of the Syrian Defence Forces would open the door to a return of the Assad regime to the north-east of Syria, supported by Russian military forces, thus handing a further geopolitical advantage to the Russian Federation.  

A lasting peace in Syria can only be achieved through the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2254. 

The violations of Iraq’s sovereignty and territorial integrity – not only by Türkiye but also by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps – come at a particularly critical moment for Iraq, which has a new government in place after a prolonged government formation and political tensions.  

The European Union remains committed to the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq. We call on all Iraq’s neighbours to refrain from unilateral military actions that could undermine Iraq’s sovereignty and have a destabilising effect on Iraq and the wider region.  

We support Iraq’s efforts to develop a balanced foreign policy, maintaining good relations with both international and regional partners. Countries in the region, including Türkiye and Iraq, are encouraged to better coordinate anti-terrorist activities and any actions against the PKK. We expect them to act in full respect of international law, including international human rights and humanitarian law. We also encourage Iraq and Türkiye to continue on the path of dialogue and friendly neighbourly relations and we stand ready to support such a dialogue, if and when needed 

Thank you.  

Link to the video: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-234666 

 Closing remarks  

Thank you, President. 

And thank you, Honourable Members [of the European Parliament], for raising international attention to this important matter by placing this debate in the plenary agenda. The European Union remains committed to the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and reiterates its support for a full nationwide ceasefire.  

Let me insist once more: the only path to stability in Syria is through a credible and inclusive UN-facilitated political solution, in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254. 

With regards to the comments on Greece, the European Union has repeatedly stressed that hostile rhetoric against Greece raises serious concerns and fully contradicts much needed de-escalation efforts in the Eastern Mediterranean.  

I recall the High Representative/Vice-President’s Statement of 5 September in this regard. We have repeatedly made very clear that replacing threatening rhetoric with meaningful and sincere dialogue and communication is key for diffusing tensions, promoting mutual understanding and developing good neighbourly relations between Greece and Türkiye as well as regionally in the Eastern Mediterranean. We reiterate, again, our expectation of Türkiye to seriously work on de-escalating tensions in a sustainable way.  

With regards to Cyprus, the European Union remains fully committed to the comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem on the basis of a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation with political equality in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions. It is important to avoid any unilateral that could trigger tensions on the island and undermine efforts for creating an environment conducive to the resumption of the settlement talks when conditions allow. We continue to stress this with Turkish officials and with representatives of the Turkish Cypriot community.  

With regards to the repatriation of Daesh children, we are aware, of course, of the issue. But repatriation is a matter that falls under Member States’ competencies: so, some have decided to take their citizens, others not. It is up to them to decide how to respond.  

Thank you.  

 Link to the video: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-234668

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53
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