The EU and ASEAN partnership - Video


The European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN, have a lot in common and have built a strong partnership.

We are the two most advanced regional integration processes in the world today!

We bring together more than 1 billion people and are partners for the future.

Our shared history dates back for centuries and today, together, we represent the most mature and the most promising economies in the world.

As we work together to address global challenges through a multilateral approach, we are both committed to regional integration as the most effective way to build stability and to foster prosperity.

We already have a strong relationship based on our mutual economic and commercial interest. Europe is the largest investor in ASEAN economies, accounting for a quarter of the total Foreign Direct Investment stock. It is not by chance that the EU is ASEAN’s second largest trading partner today, while ASEAN ranks third amongst the EU’s trading partners outside Europe.

But we do much more than trading with each other.

Watch the video below to know more about the EU-ASEAN partnership  
