EU COVID-19 Response in Botswana


The EU and its Member States, in close coordination with the Government of Botswana, have decided about a COVID-19 response package, to support the national health system, protect and save lives, and counter the socio-economic impact of the pandemic. Only united in an international effort, we will win the battle against the virus.

EU Response to COVID-19 in Botswana



The EU and its Member States, in close coordination with the Government of Botswana, have decided about a COVID-19 response package, to support the national health system, protect and save lives, and counter the socio-economic impact of the pandemic. Only united in an international effort, we will win the battle against the virus.COVID-19 is an unprecedented global health pandemic and a huge challenge for us all. It is in this context that His Excellency Dr Masisi, President of the Republic of Botswana, declared the State of Emergency, starting on 2 April 2020, which put in place a strict lockdown of the country to contain the spread of the Coronavirus in Botswana. COVID-19 also bears serious negative economic impacts, thus threatening the survival of businesses and consequently jobs and livelihoods. To tackle this, the Government of Botswana has put in place a comprehensive Economic Response.The EU and its Member States – #TeamEurope – are convinced, that the only way to contain the spread of the Coronavirus, is to act together in a global and coordinated response. Therefore, despite the difficult situation in Europe, we have pledged a €15.6 billion global COVID-19 response package, out of which €3.2 billion will be devoted to support in Africa. The objective is to support national health systems, protect and save lives, and counter the socio-economic impact of the pandemic. The French Government has launched a €1.2 billion “COVID-19 – Health in Common” initiative undertaken mainly in Africa.In addition, the EU and its Member States contribute to key global health initiatives through the United Nations, in particular WHO, as well as through GAVI and the Global Fund. Recently, the EU led a global pledge, the Coronavirus Global Response, which raised €7.4 billion from 40 countries, to develop fast and universal access to vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics against Coronavirus. On the African continent, the EU is working with the African Union and the Regional Economic Communities, including with SADC, to achieve a dedicated COVID-19 response.EU Ambassador Jan Sadek says: “We believe that multilateralism, international partnerships and global solidarity makes more sense than ever. We need to stand united, both as Europeans and Africans and with the rest of the world community! The EU and its Member States work together with the UN and other international partners, including Botswana and SADC, to make sure our COVID-19 response is well coordinated."German Ambassador Ralf Breth adds: “Germany is providing €300 million for COVID-19 related humanitarian aid, thus making a substantial contribution to global humanitarian aid appeals of the UN.”EU COVID-19 Support to BotswanaThe EU is currently expanding its cooperation with Botswana, focusing on supporting the country’s response to COVID-19. The EU and its Member States – #TeamEurope – is providing new funds – BWP 1.5 million – for the procurement of personal protective equipment through the International Federation of the Red Cross. Among the supplies, Botswana will receive around 40,000 masks, 1,500 goggles, 100 infrared temperature scanners, surgical gowns and sanitizers.EU COVID 19 Response in BotswanaBotswanaEU Response to fight COVID 19 in BotswanaWe are providing BWP 5.7 million in fresh funds, to protect the most vulnerable, including support to the victims of domestic violence and defend the rights of marginalized groups. The support will be channelled through civil society partners, and include shelter/safe havens for GBV victims, awareness raising, and the providing of legal and psychosocial support.As emergency response, the EU will also advance the disbursement of BWP 26 million of its budget support to Botswana to provide quick relief and fiscal space, to back the Government´s response to the Coronavirus crisis.The EU’s ongoing cooperation with Botswana, a portfolio of BWP 324 million, will continue, focusing on skills development and support to the economic diversification drive. This will be more important than ever, when Botswana moves into the recovery phase after the immediate crisis. On the economic side, the EU has committed BWP 145 million to promote investments, trade and the economic recovery in Botswana. Among the short term actions, the EU will provide grants for the development of the beef value chain in the North (BWP 6,6 million) and for the eco-tourism development (BWP19 million).EU Member States represented in Gaborone contribute to the common EU support to Botswana in the fight against COVID-19. In addition to this, France, via the French Development Agency, is tackling the economic and social consequences of the crisis in order to increase the resilience of the local economy and, in the longer term, to contribute to economic diversification. Germany is specifically funding a project supporting LGBTQI persons who have been expelled by their families. Germany and France are also the first and second contributors to the European Development Fund.French Ambassador Laurence Beau says: ”In the short term, the French Embassy in Botswana will be redirecting its cooperation to health projects and fight against gender-based violence.”EU Ambassador Jan Sadek notes: “The EU wants to be relevant in Botswana, also in the moment of crisis, and we are happy to stand by the Government, providing both medical equipment and psychosocial support to vulnerable parts of the population. In the recovery phase, our economic diversification programmes should play an important role. United we will win the battle!”#TogetherweareEUrope #UnitedAgainstCoronavirus #TeamEurope #EUSolidarityEmbassy of France in GaboroneEmbassy of Germany in GaboroneEU Delegation to Botswana and SADCContact: Silvia Bopp-Hamrouni, EU Delegation Head of the Political, Press and Information Section. Email: Tel: +267 72 308 998EU COVID 19 Response in BotswanaBotswanaEU Response to fight COVID 19 in Botswana