The Forum

The second EU Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum takes place in Stockholm on 13 May 2023.

Building on the success of the Paris Indo-Pacific Forum, the Stockholm Forum will be co-chaired by EU High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and by Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Tobias Billström, in the context of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU.

The Stockholm Forum will bring together the EU Foreign Ministers, Foreign Ministers from the Indo-Pacific region, representatives of EU institutions and representatives of a number of regional organisations and other partners.

The Forum includes a plenary session and three parallel roundtables:

(1) Building more sustainable and inclusive prosperity together.

(2) Pursuing green opportunities and overcoming global challenges in cooperation.

(3) Facing jointly the evolving security landscape in the Indo-Pacific.

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EU Indo-Pacific Strategy

The EU’s engagement is based on the rule of law, the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and international law as well as international agreements such as the 2030 Agenda and its sustainable development goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Openness and inclusiveness are hallmarks of the EU’s approach to cooperation in the region and with partners engaged in the region.

The European Union and Indo-Pacific countries have a stake in each other’s security and prosperity. The future of Europe, as well as of the international order, is being forged by the developments in the Indo-Pacific, and vice versa.

Key examples of concrete EU actions in and with the Indo-Pacific region in the seven main priority areas, also carried by the EU Global Gateway initiative.

Over the past year, the progress achieved through the EU’s inclusive approach is a testimony of its commitment to support regional peace, to bring prosperity to people in both our regions, and to shape a collective vision for a common future.

Forum Goals

The EU Indo-Pacific Ministerial in Stockholm explores opportunities for further cooperation in key areas between two of the most dynamic economic areas in the world.

The Indo-Pacific region accounts for two thirds of global growth and, together with the EU, 70 per cent of global trade.

In 2021, the EU adopted the Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. The EU’s intention is to increase engagement and build partnerships aimed at strengthening the rules-based world order.

It also tackles global challenges and lays the foundations for long-term, equitable and sustainable growth and prosperity.

The meeting will discuss common challenges with respect to security, trade, global value chains, digitalisation, the green transition and energy security.

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    School of fish swimming in the ocean
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