EU Military Committee Away Day


Madrid - The EU Military Committee, headed by its Chairman (CEUMC), Gen. Robert Brieger, travelled to Madrid for an informal gathering under the auspices of the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council.


The Military Representatives of the 27 Member States arrived in Spain on Monday, 25 May, welcomed by the Spanish Chief of defence, Admiral general Teodoro E. López Calderón. The Minister of Defence of Spain, H.E. María Margarita Robles Fernández attended the opening event, underlining the important steps that EU has made in becoming a more credible security partner and enabler.

Located within or near the Torrejón Air Base, the EU SATCEN (European Union Satellite Center), the CESAEROB (Aerospace Observation Systems Center - Spanish Air Force), and the INTA (National Institute of Aerospace Technology) were the three locations chosen for the meeting of the EUMC.

All sites were ideal for discussing 'The space domain and its challenges and opportunities,' main theme of the meeting. In this regard, Gen Brieger recalled how “space systems and services are essential to our society, economy, security, and defense.

The EU has recognized space as a strategic sector and is taking action to secure its space assets, defend its interests, prevent hostile operations in space, and reinforce its strategic posture and autonomy, in a geopolitical context of increased power competition and intensifying threats. This is in line with the EU Strategic Compass, which has identified space as a disputed strategic domain in addition to cyber and maritime.”

The current state of the security situation in the Sahel was the other discussion point. Despite the concerning circumstances in the unrest-stricken region, EU engagement remains necessary, since Sahel is still a "strategic" zone for the security of Europe. The Military Committee had the chance to discuss ongoing military training initiatives, both now and in the future, within the context of EU integrated approach to Sahel.

In his final statement before departing Madrid, Gen. Brieger stated that "during their Semesters, our Spanish colleagues have set a truly stimulating program of debates to advance the most crucial goals on our agenda, which collectively aim at the full implementation of the Strategic Compass, within the agreed upon timelines. Today's event has helped to clear the way for our upcoming EU Military Committee of Chiefs of Defence meeting, planned for October 17th to 19th, in Seville. I venture to predict that event's highlight will be the demonstration given by EU MS troops as part of LIVEX/MILEX 23, the EU's first live exercise. Let me remind you that this event is crucial to the roadmap leading to our Rapid Deployment Capacity's (RDC) full readiness, foreseen by the end of 2025. In order to meet current international community expectations for crisis management and security enablement, the RDC will serve as the cornerstone of EU credibility.”

Gen Brieger, heading back to Brussels, expressed his deepest gratitude for Spanish hospitality, on behalf of the whole Military Committee.