EU Statement on the occasion of the 55th Session of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission - Vienna, 14-17 December 2020


European Union

Statement on the occasion of the 55th Session of

the CTBTO Preparatory Commission

    1. December 2020


1. I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union. The following countries align themselves with this statement: Turkey§, The Republic of North Macedonia*, Montenegro*, Iceland+, Serbia*, Albania*, Bosnia and Herzegovina*, Norway+, Ukraine, The Republic of Moldova, Andorra, Armenia, Georgia, Liechtenstein and San Marino.


Madam Chair,


2. Let me begin, by thanking you for organising today’s Session, thus ensuring the continued work of the Policy Making Organs, under the current challenging circumstances. I would like to assure you of the European Union’s full support and cooperation throughout this important Session.  The EU and its MS support keeping to the calendar and scheduled sessions for 2021/2022, by holding planned meetings, as necessary, either in hybrid or in virtual format. In this regard, we look forward to receiving more information from the Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) on plans relating to the forthcoming Working Group B session. Under current circumstances, it is also pertinent to limit agendas to the most essential, pressing and compulsory matters, in order to ensure the Organisation’s business continuity, as well as its administrative and financial stability. It is also pertinent to explore all available technical means and possibilities for holding virtual meetings, thus ensuring business continuity of policy-making and technical bodies.

3. We also thank the Executive Secretary for his written and oral reports and the PTS and you Madam Chair for your work in preparation of this important meeting. We welcome the work of Working Group A and Working Group B, as well as of the Advisory Group and support their recommendations as contained in their reports.

4. As this is the last meeting of the Preparatory Commission under your leadership, we would like to thank you for your hard work during this challenging and intense year. Furthermore, the term of office of Dr. Joachim Schulze as WGB Chair ends on 31st December. For many years, Dr. Schulze has shown extraordinary dedication and commitment to the CTBTO for which we are deeply grateful.


Madam Chair,

5. The EU, as a strong supporter of the CTBT and its Organisation, believes that the Treaty has a central role in strengthening the global nuclear non-proliferation regime and efforts towards global disarmament. Thus, the CTBT and CTBTO should play a prominent role at the NPT Review Conference in 2021. The efforts to promote and facilitate signature and ratification remain a priority, and we urge all States that have not yet done so, to sign and ratify the Treaty without any preconditions or further delay. In particular we encourage the remaining Annex II States: China, Egypt, Iran, Israel and the USA, that still have to ratify the Treaty; and the DPRK, India and Pakistan, that still have to sign and ratify it, in order to bring it into force.  It is also crucial that all States fully observe the moratorium on nuclear test explosions and refrain from any other actions, contrary to the object and purpose of the Treaty.

6. The CTBTO has provided the world with a truly global, hi-tech monitoring system for nuclear explosions – something that no single country alone would have been able to do.  We welcome that the network of the International Monitoring System (IMS) is nearing completion and urge all States Signatories that still have to establish stations to co-operate with the PTS in this regard.  The installation, certification as well as operation of all stations prior to entry into force is imperative.  We also encourage the PTS and States Signatories to facilitate the technical updates of IMS stations to ensure their uninterrupted operation according to required standards, which we would all benefit from since all States Signatories have the possibility to access all the data or products of the IMS and IDC. 

Madam Chair,

7. The highly sophisticated CTBT verification system, including the further development of on-site inspection operational capabilities and related capacity-building activities require substantial financial input. Regarding the preparation of the verification-related elements of the Programme and Budget, we consider it important that a high proportion of resources continue to be dedicated to verification-related activities. We appreciate the PTS’s efforts to identify and implement cost saving and efficiency measures, while ensuring that the Budget is guided by the needs of the programme.   We support the Budget Update Proposals for 2021, and we call on all States Signatories to settle their outstanding assessed contributions fully and in time and to negotiate a payment plan with the PTS to that end. 

8. The EU warmly welcomes the fact that additional States Signatories, including some strongly affected by the pandemic, have recently paid their outstanding contributions, bringing the total number to 124 countries. We encourage other States Signatories to follow this positive example. However, as mentioned by the ES in his opening remarks at the 58th WGA session, we note with concern that collection rates as of 22 October 2020 show a considerable downtrend. We understand that many countries currently in important arrears are hard-hit by the current crisis.  Yet, it is crucial for the operation of the verification regime of the Treaty, and for the Organization’s financial health, that all States Signatories demonstrate their political commitment and honour their financial obligation to pay assessed contributions, on time and in full.

9. In addition to the CTBT’s obvious contribution to international peace and security, the CTBTO's Integrated Capacity Building assists States in using IMS data and IDC products to support civil and scientific applications and research associated with Treaty-related verification technologies, including tsunami and volcanic ash cloud warning. To make best use of our collective investment, the EU supports and contributes to developing countries benefitting from such CTBTO services.

10. The EU, materialising its full commitment to the Treaty and its implementation, has so far contributed 29.5 million euro to support the strengthening of CTBTO monitoring and verification activities. On 29th June 2020, the Council of the EU adopted the relevant Council Decision for a new voluntary contribution - the eighth of its kind - with a reference amount of 6.3 million euro and a planned duration of 36 months – which has entered into force on 1 December 2020, thus ensuring the uninterrupted implementation of ongoing activities.

Madam Chair,

11. The appointment of the Executive Secretary is a fundamental issue for this meeting, and for the future of the CTBTO. The EU and its Member States remain strongly committed to the principles of transparency, inclusiveness, fairness, merit and objectivity that should guide the procedure for the appointment of the CTBTO Executive Secretary, as agreed by the Preparatory Commission in Annex II of the Decision on the procedure for the appointment of the Executive Secretary (CTBT/PC-54/2). The EU wishes to thank you, Madam Chair, as well as all co-facilitators, for your efforts in preparing the designation of the new Executive Secretary. We request the Secretariat to keep a full record of the proceedings.

12. The EU and its Member States underline that all our decisions should be reached through a consensus approach as far as possible.  We look forward to the appointment of officers of the Preparatory Commission, the Chairperson of Working Group B, and Vice-Chairperson of Working Group A, as well as members of the Advisory Group, during the present session.

13. On developing guidelines for holding extraordinary sessions of the Commission, we reiterate our readiness to discuss and support a proposal that leads to more clarity on the rules while not limiting the flexibility of the Chair or any Member of the Preparatory Commission to request such meetings.


Finally Madam Chair,

14. The EU and its Member States will continue to use every opportunity to advocate for CTBT ratification and universalisation in relevant international fora and in meetings with countries that have not yet signed or ratified the Treaty, with the aim of achieving its prompt entry into force.  


Thank you Madam Chair.



§ Candidate Country

*Candidate Countries the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Albania, as well as potential Candidate Country Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.

+ Iceland and Norway are members of the EFTA and of the European Economic Area.