European Council: Remarks by High Representative Josep Borrell upon arrival


Today is one month since the start of the war. One month of war, 6 million people displaced, half of the Ukrainian children displaced.

The Russian army tried to conquer Kyiv quickly and now they are massacring people. From a military point of view, this is a big failure for Russia. One month fighting, and they have not been able to move 200km away from their logistical bases. And since they cannot conquer the cities, they bomb the cities, killing innocent people and destroying everything.

But the Ukrainians are fighting, we are supporting them, providing arms. And certainly, the result of the war is not what the Kremlin expected. They can have a big defeat.

We will continue supporting Ukraine, we will continue putting pressure on Russia.


Q. What happens in case of a chemical attack?
Let us hope that it is not going to happen.

Q. Should we expect more sanctions at this European Summit?
Yes, the Summit will discuss it. You know that the Summit does not take concrete decisions and only provides political guidance for the technical bodies, and for the Foreign Affairs Ministers to decide in concrete terms. I expect the European Union Council to provide guidance on how to continue increasing the sanctions - personal sanctions and sectoral sanctions.

Q. Are there also any risks for Georgia and Moldova?
Certainly, the instability is very big. People in the borders of Russia are, understandably, very worried. But, for the time being, what we have to do is to continue supporting the Ukrainian army. Let us talk about concrete things to do. In the next two weeks, arms will decide on which side the victory goes. We have to continue supporting, providing arms, providing military equipment. This is the important thing to do, to be sure that these things go, and people can use them.

Q. How do you want to stop Putin?
The Ukrainians are fighting to stop him.

Q. Why is it so hard to find a consensus among Europeans on the energy sanctions?
That is what the Leaders will discuss.

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Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53