Facing the Unknown: Syrian Refugees' Struggle for Security in Neighbouring Countries


Organisers: 11.11.11, Syrians for Truth and Justice (STJ), Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM)

13 years after the start of the Syrian conflict, the issue of refugee return has become increasingly challenging. Syrian refugees in Türkiye, Lebanon, and other neighbouring countries face mounting pressure to return to Syria. Recent events there underscore the rising threats faced by Syrian refugees, in particular the risk of forced deportation. In Türkiye and other neighbouring countries, Syrian refugees find themselves in a state of limbo, marked by an absence of legal safeguards and a growing sense of insecurity. Heightened anti-refugee sentiment, coupled with political promises to return Syrian refugees and normalise relations with the Assad regime, has intensified fears of deportation and loss of legal protections.

At this event, experts from Human Rights Watch (HRW), Syrians for Truth and Justice (STJ), Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM), and 11.11.11 will shed light on the growing challenges confronting Syrian refugees in Türkiye, Lebanon, and other neighbouring countries, with a specific focus on the threat of forced deportation and the erosion of legal protections. By bringing together stakeholders from civil society and international organisations, the event aims to raise awareness, facilitate dialogue, and explore potential solutions to alleviate the plight of Syrian refugees in host countries.

02:00 pm - 03:30 pm
Hotel NH Brussels EU Berlaymont
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