International Electoral Observation: EU holds annual meeting

04.12.2022 EEAS Press Team

On 6-8 December, the EU will host the 15th “Annual Implementation Meeting of the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation” in Brussels, at the premises of the European Parliament.

The meeting will gather electoral observers from across the world and representatives of international organisations to discuss the crucial role of election observation in defending democracy, and the need to continue developing common approaches to enhance their performance and impact.

During the 3-days event, participants will share experiences and best practices on election observation. This includes on how to enhance implementation of international observers’ recommendations; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on elections and international election observation; as well as the introduction of new technologies in electoral processes and the role of social media in online election campaigns.

On Wednesday 7 December afternoon, the EU High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell will deliver a speech together with European Parliament’s Vice-President Eva Kaili and Former President of Costa Rica Laura Chinchilla. This High-Level Session will be broadcasted live here.

Check the full meeting agenda.



The Declaration of Principles for International Elections Observations was signed in October 2005 under the auspices of the UN Secretariat in New York and has since then been endorsed by 55 signatories’ organisations, including EU Institutions, the African Union, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Organisation of American States, the National Democratic Institute and the Carter Centre, who will be among the participants of this event.


For more information

Nabila Massrali
Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0) 2 29 88093
+32 (0) 460 79 52 44
Xavier Cifre Quatresols
Press Officer for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)2 29 73582
+32 (0)460 75 51 56