International Women’s Day celebrated by the EU Delegation to the AU



On International Women’s Day, the EU Delegation to the African Union brought together for a breakfast meeting European and African women ambassadors and head of missions currently based in Addis Ababa, to share experiences and lessons learned from their own successful careers.

The world of diplomacy, as so many others, is one of traditional male dominance and women diplomats are constantly striving to break the bias and prove their position. The playing field is still not levelled and the influence of gender roles (including family/work conciliation) continues to affect career development for many women.

As the day progressed, the Delegation celebrated March 8 in-house with a discussion about women’s rights that joined the female colleagues over coffee.

EU to African Union team also collaborated with Alliance Ethio-Française Addis Ababa to host a music concert by Ugandan singer Suzan Kerunen. The artist is known for using her influence to promote peace, protecting child soldiers and social justice.


Music group performing on stage