Iran: High Representative Borrell meets with Iranian Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian

20.09.2023 EEAS Press Team

High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell met today with Iranian Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian in the margins of the UN General Assembly in New York. The High Representative raised the most urgent issues affecting EU-Iran bilateral relations and the recent developments on the JCPOA, in his role as the Coordinator of the JCPOA Joint Commission.

The High Representative conveyed the EU's strong condemnation about the arbitrary detentions of many EU citizens, including dual nationals, in Iran. The High Representative urged Foreign Minister Abdollahian, once again, to release all EU citizens.

The EU’s position remains unchanged about the very concerning human rights situation in the country. Iran must ensure that fundamental freedoms are respected, as expressed by the EU’s 27 Member States on the anniversary of the killing of Mahsa Amini.

On the JCPOA, the High Representative underlined the importance of following a path of de-escalation. In that context, he urged Iran to reconsider its decision to withdraw the official designation of several experienced IAEA inspectors and to improve cooperation with the IAEA. The EU strongly supports the IAEA and its work. He transmitted his firm conviction on the need to find a diplomatic solution to the Iran nuclear issue in the framework of the JCPOA.

Finally, the High Representative urged once again the Iranian Government to stop its continued military cooperation with Russia in the illegal war of aggression against Ukraine.

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53
Gioia Franchellucci
Press Officer for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 229-68041