Iran: Speech by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell in the EP Plenary on attacks against women's rights defenders and the arbitrary detention of EU nationals

EEAS Protocol Team

Speech delivered by Vice-President for Democracy and Demography, Dubravka Šuica, on behalf of High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell

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Thank you Chair,  Honourable Members of the European Parliament, 

This year’s Sakharov Prize shows the European’s full support for human rights and the respect, protection and fulfilment of fundamental freedoms. In Iran and elsewhere. We were all impressed and moved by the extraordinary courage of women and men in Iran, following Mahsa Amini's death in September last year. The decision of the Nobel Committee to award the Peace Prize to Mrs Narges Mohammadi also demonstrates how crucial the role of civil society is for peace and democracy. The world wants to see her free, and not going on yet another hunger strike to improve her situation.   

The European Union is concerned about the continued progressive deterioration of human rights in Iran. Repression and intimidation continue in a deplorable way, particularly against women. We are also concerned about the current pace of executions in the country, with at least 550 individuals executed since January according to unofficial estimates. 

We have reacted decisively to the violent crackdown on protests over the past year, including trough ten rounds of sanctions. We continue to raise human rights violations, executions, as well as individual cases, in every diplomatic opportunity with Iranian authorities, such as the very disturbing death of sixteen-year-old Armita Garawand.  

Regarding the arbitrary detention of several European citizens in Iran, our position is very clear. As outlined in the Council Conclusions of December 2022 and the Statement of the High Representative on behalf of the EU in February this year, we strongly reject this unlawful practice and call upon Iran to end it immediately.  

We must keep our critical engagement with Iran, in order be able to work for the release of all European citizens in coordination with the Member States concerned. So, we must keep diplomatic channels open.   

European Member states have the primary consular responsibility for these cases. That is why we have strengthened our coordination. The High Representative and his team are using every opportunity to express to the Iranian authorities our firmest disapproval of these distressing, unlawful and unacceptable detentions, including the illegal detention of our dear colleague Johan Floderus, for whom we have of course a different responsibility as he is an European Union employee. 

We will continue to work relentlessly for the freedom of all unjustly detained European citizens in Iran. 

Thank you. 

Link to the video (starting at 34:48):  

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53
Gioia Franchellucci
Press Officer for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
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