
The Ambassadors of the European Union and the United States of America and the High Commissioners of the Republic of South Africa and the United Kingdom take note of the termination of the 4x4 coalition Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho in a consensual decision of the National Assembly.

It is important now that negotiations for a new Government to proceed as swiftly as possible, and that participants focus their deliberations on addressing the main challenges ahead, notably the threat of COVID-19 and the implementation of the reforms agreed in last year's National Dialogue, in which Basotho across the country had the opportunity to express themselves. It is vital during the transition ahead that all those entrusted with Government responsibility are especially attentive to maintaining the safety and security of citizens, supporting democratic processes, and preserving human rights and fundamental freedoms.


Ambassador Christian ManahlEuropean Union in Lesotho

High Commissioner Sello MolotoHigh Commission of South Africa in Lesotho

Ambassador Rebecca GonzalesEmbassy of the United States of America in Lesotho

High Commissioner Anne MacroHigh Commission of the United Kingdom in Lesotho