MILEX24 shows EU's military capacity


During the Distinguished Visitors Day, the EU showed its capacity to project force in a rapid, robust and capable way.


The exercise simulates a crisis scenario in the fictional country of Seglia. The EU needs to respond fast and decides to deploy the Rapid Deployment Capacity (RDC) under the lead of the Military Planning and Conduct Capability. This exercise is an essential step towards having the RDC ready for a real deployment in 2025. During different demonstrations, including live-fire demonstrations, the guests got a good impression of the professional EU-forces.




This live exercise trains the EU Battlegroup Force Package 25, as the Rapid Response Force tailored to a Military
Rapid Response Operation, for a predefined scenario, in this case the fictional country of Seglia. From 1st January 2025, the European Union’s highly mobile forces will be available for operations lasting from 30 to 120 days in a radius of 6,000 km from Brussels.




Together with the Force HQ EUROCORPS, an actionable military operation plan for the EU-led military force was made by MPCC.

Since the start of the deployment of the force package to the area of operation and the start of military activities on the ground in SEGLIA, the Operations HQ in Brussels has assured the Command and Control from a military strategic perspective and has supported the FHQ in creating the desired effects across the Joint Operations Area. Moreover, it has provided the common operational picture for the political and military leadership in Brussels.

In support of the forces on the ground, MPCC coordinates in the field of logistics and communications, provides support to defensive cyber capabilities or to the information domain in order to undoubtedly demonstrate our effectiveness towards our partners and our opponents - thus demonstrating credibility as security provider.

Further planning and life exercises remain key elements to test and validate our structures, concepts and procedures, so that the MPCC will stay able to act as the preferred command and control structure for the EU RDC by 2025.