Palestine: High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell met Palestinian Prime Minister Shtayyeh in New York

19.09.2023 EEAS Press Team

On 19 September, High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell (HR/VP) met with Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh in New York, on the margins of the 78th session of the United Nations’ General Assembly.

The High Representative reiterated the support of the European Union to the Palestinian people and to the Palestinian Authority. The EU remains committed to a just, negotiated, and comprehensive resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, based on the Two-State Solution. Having these objectives in mind, the High Representative stressed that he is looking forward to the High-Level Political Dialogue between the EU Foreign Ministers and the Palestinian Authority, planned for November.

They also discussed the deteriorating situation on the ground, which has seen an unprecedented number of Palestinian and Israeli casualties this year. The High Representative underlined the need for both sides to work together to put an end to terrorism and incitement to violence and to halt unilateral measures that further undermine prospects for a Two-State Solution.

The HR/VP reiterated the importance of holding the long overdue national elections and working towards Palestinian reconciliation.

The Palestinian Prime Minister was also informed about the ministerial meeting, that the High Representative chaired on 18 September, with Saudi Arabia, the League of Arab States, Egypt, and Jordan, focusing on possible ways to revive the Middle East Peace Process. HR/VP Borrell explained how the “Peace Day Effort” aims at developing a positive vision with broad support from the international community to help advance peace, stability, and security in the region.

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53
Gioia Franchellucci
Press Officer for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 229-68041