RCA - EU partnership dialogue


On May 15, the Force Commander of the EUTM RCA participated in the 5th edition of the RCA-EU Partnership Dialogue in the "Samoa - Article 3" format.

The event, co-chaired by the President of the Central African Republic, His Excellency Professor Faustin-Archange Touadera, and the EU Ambassador to the Central African Republic, His Excellency Mr. Douglas Carpenter, included Prime Minister Mr. Felix Moloua, members of the Government, and distinguished EU diplomats: the Ambassadors of Belgium, Spain, France, the Netherlands, the Chargé d'affaires of the Portuguese Embassy, and the Counsellor of the German Embassy.

In his speech, His Excellency President Touadera emphasized the importance of the EU's presence in the Central African Republic: “Your presence eloquently demonstrates the high regard that your respective countries continuously show towards the Central African Republic in its efforts to build democracy, the rule of law, good governance, and the fight against poverty.”

The Head of State further emphasized “peace has returned to the Central African Republic, and now is the time to consolidate it by building an army capable of facing all challenges, with a solid foundation in the training of its personnel.” He highlighted the importance of EUTM RCA's presence, its role in educating officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers of the Central African Armed Forces (FACA), and the crucial importance of instilling European values such as respect for human rights, adherence to military values, and respect for the country's laws.

The dialogue reinforced the shared commitment of the EU and CAR to consolidate peace and stability in the region. The ongoing efforts of the EUTM RCA in enhancing the capacities of FACA are instrumental in ensuring long-term security and development in the Central African Republic.