Roadmap for a Safe Environment in Syria: Resetting the Political Process towards a Sustainable Solution of Syrian Crisis


Organisers: European Institute of Peace and Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity

This event aims to present the SACD's Roadmap for a Safe Environment in Syria from the following points of view:

- The Safe environment as a path towards revitalizing the political track in a meaningful way and breaking the current deadlock, while addressing the real needs and aspirations of Syrians.

- How the implementation of a Safe Environment in Syria would address the issues of: refugees, drugs production and trafficking, and terrorism, which are the top priorities and interests of the major regional and international stakeholders in Syria.

- The safe environment as the main path towards the reconstruction of Syria as state and society.

Through this side event, two panels will take place:

Panel 1: "SACD’s Roadmap: Envisioning a Safe Environment in Syria": Focusing on the SACD's efforts to define and implement a safe environment, this session will discuss the envisioned roadmap for the return of displaced Syrians. It will highlight the phased approach to return, including pre-return, during return, and post-return phases, emphasizing the need for Syrian-led initiatives and international support.

Panel 2: "Shaping Policy Priorities: The Role of the International Actors in Syria's Future": This panel will explore strategies to influence the political process and key international actors such as Turkey, U.S. and EU and their policies towards Syria. It aims to discuss how international policy can be realigned to prioritize the safe return of Syrians, addressing the challenges of political paralysis.

10:00 am - 01:00 pm
Scotland House