The second Iraqi National Action Plan (INAP) was launched yesterday


EUAM congratulates the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, the Kurdish Regional Government and President Nechirvan Barzani, the Iraqi Government Council of Ministers, the Department of Women Empowerment, Alliance 1325, the 1325 Network, and UN Women with the launching of the second Iraqi National Action Plan (INAP).

This significant achievement precipitates further implementation of the key goals of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. This milestone will benefit all Iraqi women and girls by contributing to their protection, participation and rehabilitation. The implementation of INAP2 offers the possibility to build a more equitable society through a more efficient and democratic process.

Iraqi women, despite several challenges, have played an important role in the emerging process of reconstruction and development of Iraq. Iraqi leaders should ensure that women have access to leadership positions at all levels of government, including at the highest levels, in order to achieve sustainable development and peace. The INAP2 reinforces the fundamental rights of every Iraqi woman and girl.

The INAP2 empowers all Iraqi Ministries to set up mechanisms, policies and allocate resources and budget over the upcoming four years. EUAM Iraq stands ready to support and advise the Ministry of Interior in the implementation of the plan and is looking forward to making concrete plans for the way ahead. The Mission is willing to struck alliances and planning the way forward.